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Curriculum is the foundation of our teaching--what we teach and how we teach. Through years of study, the leading preschool experts have found that hands on “concrete” activities are the way children learn best. Our rooms are rich with materials to count, explore, and play with. We teach so children will love to come to school and be excited about the learning process. Developmentally appropriate practice is our best method, meaning we will meet the needs of each child at their learning level. Our goal is to develop the skills in each child, to ensure they are properly prepared for the next level.

Curriculum: Complete Daily Curriculum for Early Childhood 

We use the award winning Complete Daily Curriculum for Early Childhood by Dr. Pam Schiller. This curriculum is developmentally appropriate and is based on the latest research about how children learn. Our curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs of each child, while still providing for the group needs and interests.

Through developmentally appropriate activities of:

  • play
  • hands-on exploration and
  • creative expression

Children are actively involved in learning.

Children explore:

  • language arts
  • number discovery
  • fine and gross motor activities
  • creative arts
  • music
  • Spanish and
  • science activities.

Our curriculum engages children and is suited for every learning style.

Spiritual Development
As a Christian school, we are helping children to grow in their love of God. Chapel time is a weekly experience with a bible story or Christian value story and Christian songs. In the classroom, we pray before our snack and lunch to show thankfulness for our blessings. Children are encouraged to treat their classmates as they would like to be treated.

Social & Emotional Development
The preschool years are a time of great strides in social and emotional development. At two they are just beginning to play side by side with another child. By the time they are turning three, interaction with other children in cooperative play begins, and by four there is great cooperative play. Through the process of child’s play, they learn sharing, listening skills, and working with others as a group. It is our goal that each child feels loved and welcomed in our school. Through routines and the structure of the classroom, children gain confidence and social skills. They learn school is a fun place.

Physical Development
Physical development is also blossoming in the preschool years. Outside play is an everyday experience, except in bad weather. On rainy days we use our narthex to setup activities for large muscle play. Our motor skills class enhances the physical development of large muscle groups, listening skills, and body awareness. Classroom teachers provide opportunities daily to enhance fine motor development through cutting activities, sorting small objects, coloring, painting, working puzzles and building with blocks and manipulatives. Daily music classes also include physical activities with singing, marching, dancing, and rhythm instruments to foster coordination, and cooperation.

Cognitive Development

Language Arts
Children will be exposed to a wealth of literacy activities and a print- rich environment. Each age level experiences opportunities in listening to stories, writing down their words, playing with language by learning fingerplays, rhymes, and songs. Phonemic awareness is developed by substituting initial consonants in words, and in their names. The library center is always full of books to read and explore.

Through books and stories, critical thinking and problem solving skills are developed. Creative thinking about a different outcome to the story helps a child learn there is not always just one answer to a problem. Authors, illustrators, and story characters are discussed, as well as the plot and whether the story could really happen or is make believe. Children learn we have symbols called letters that have meaning and that those symbols make words. They are building a foundation for reading skills when they dictate their words to the teacher to write down for them. They begin to write their name, and want to do their own writing.

Science and Social Studies
Exploring their world and observing what is around them, helps a child to learn a curiosity that will serve them throughout their school years. Vocabulary and a love for their environment are increased with science experiments and nature walks. The child learns about their community and people who help our community. Their world grows to include new ideas, new words, and new concepts of how the world works.

At each level children are expanding their concept of numbers and building on their knowledge. Many skills are developed to build their understanding of numbers. Children learn sequencing, counting, graphing, sorting, building, measuring, and problem solving skills with concrete hands on experiences. Each child is provided with numerous opportunities in the classroom to develop basic skills in a sequential manner that is developmentally appropriate.

Through the art experience, children grow in many skills. Children are introduced to process art using a wide variety of materials to compose their art. It may be shaving cream, paint, play dough, sand, fingerpaint, watercolors, etc. Children also compose craft projects, to help with following directions, spatial awareness, practice in cutting skills, and just having fun. The creativity used in producing their art carries over into critical thinking skills, as well as trying new ideas and exploring media.

Each classroom is set up with learning centers to provide opportunities for play in a variety of ways. Centers are changed to include activities that coincide with the current curriculum topic. Centers included in every classroom are dramatic play, art, science, writing, library, sensory table, blocks, and manipulative. Other centers may be added throughout the year.

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    Alden Bridge Presbyterian Preschool
    14173 Horseshoe Bend
    Conroe, TX 77384
    (936) 266-0000
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